Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Up for Grabs (Place Your Bets!)

The OFFICIAL due date has always been Sept. 6th, the week after Labor Day. So, I've just kept it easy for people to remember "we go into labor on Labor Day." Just for clarification, the due date is still 9/6/08, but we can still say even that is up for grabs.

Here's why - on Sunday, several of us noted that Presleigh had dropped - a good 3 inches lower. This is significant, because Cristine's been carrying high, like wayyyy up there. As a result, it's been hard to eat normal portions of food. Of course, picking at gnoshes little by little over long periods of time is fine. (Hence, the nearly demolished box of Corn Pops we DAWG'D in front of the TV Sunday night.) Needless to say, Mama can eat normally again. (Why do we say things like "needless to say" and then say them anyway?! That's like introducing the "man who needs no introduction"...)

As I was saying, the due date is still a bit up for grabs because we have our weekly OB appt. tomorrow morning with Dr. "One Foot In Alpharetta, One Foot in Miami" (In all seriousness, this guy is really good. We highly recommend Dr. Blank). He's super laid back and has delivered about 3,000 babies, so his attitude is: let's not go over the due date if it's not necessary. We like that attitude, don't we?! Net/net is this - if Cristine's dilated enough tomorrow at our appt., he could send us to the hospital on Thursday or Friday to induce. (Mama's hoping he'll do it tomorrow.)

Have any of you dads out there noticed the crib starts to look different when you realize the next time you look at it, it could be full of your newborn, or is it just me?

At this stage, we'll take your guesses as to date, time, and weight. Maybe we'll even give a book or a CD to whoever comes closest, cool?


Anonymous said...

I love a good bet... okay, I'm gonna say September 5th at 3:32 p.m. I think the Presleigh will come in at 7 lbs. 9 oz. and will be 19 inches long.


Unknown said...

September 4th 1:10 pm
8 lbs 1 oz
20 inches


Val Kellar said...

8.14 pds/oz.
via c-section

Good luck guys! Don't forget photo's!

Val Kellar

Aarron & Cristine Pina said...

Hey, Val - none of that C-section talk. Ouch! ;-)
You didn't mention a time on the 4th...

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