"No, being let go..."
"Oh, right this way..."
Anyway, I digress...
So, we signed in, took a number, met a number of people who were also in line for labor, spoke several languages I didn't know I knew, and made a few phone calls. We were ushered into our loverly room, met our nurse, changed into something more... hospitalish... and strapped in to the monitors.

My bulletproof bride - the monitor says she's having contractions. She's not even registering them. Like Superman getting hit by a car, she looks up at the nurse and says "I had a what?"
At this stage, we're back to "minimally dilated"... No sweat. Plenty of time to upload these phots to the laptop, which is about as slow as... Presleigh coming out... Perhaps we'll have a baby and photos by morning.
Keep your prayers up high and your troubles low.
G'night [or until something crazy happens].
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