Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Two Weeks Old!!!

Wow, Presleigh turns 2 weeks old today!!!

It's not hard to imagine, just strange, to think that only two weeks ago, Presleigh was making her first audible sounds, seeing light for the first time, and being passed from Mom to Daddy and back like a football... only much more gently. They say "it goes by fast", right? Yeah, they weren't kidding. What a crazy trip this is! Growing, changing, changing diapers (oh, sorry, that's me...).

Today, Presleigh made a rare appearance outside the house - her first trip to the chiropractor. Yes, Dr. Colin Roopnarine at North Point Family Chiropractic, who has been a generous supporter of Seasons of Life Ministries, gave Presleigh her first chiropractic exam, confirming what we already knew - she's perfect, priceless, and precious. (Hence, the name "Presleigh", right?)

For now, here are some more photos of our beautiful Presleigh looking a bit like Dana Carvey doing Jimmy Stewart, a few looking far, too serious for her own good, and some more with her looking just plain precious.

In this photo, I caught Presleigh bragging about a conversation she had with the President about this whole Wall Street bail out. She said that since she doesn't have an extra $10K underneath her crib, she's pretty confident the President will rethink spending her inheritance to make the Ken Lay's of the banking industry wicked rich.

Presleigh is growing, cooing, gaining weight appropriately, and was a little crabby today for no apparent reason. She does seem to be sleeping for about 3 hours at a time. Either the folks at Babywise are pretty smart or we're getting lucky on this.

Regardless, we think we're on track to have her sleeping a full night (read: us sleeping a full night) by week 9. That'll be sweet bliss, especially since our ministry will be preparing for its first golf tournament fundraising event. That's another story for another time.

This weekend, Presleigh got to meet a fraternity brother of her Daddy's whom he has not seen in nearly 15 years. This weekend, Aunt Shanua finally gets to meet her and Mommy and Daddy may get to go out to see "Fireproof" the movie about a troubled marriage that stays together God's way. Nice.

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