Monday, September 15, 2008

At Last... Visiting Hours!

Now that we've officially unpacked, caught our breath, and have a glimpse of catching up on sleep in our sights, my hard working, steadfast, soldier of a wife has given the okay: Visitors are welcome. Her first infant rearing experience being as laborious (pun intended) and exhausting as it was, she truly feared visitors would overwhelm her. Given Presleigh's incredible demeanor, stress levels are much lower at Chez Pina. We anticipate both mom and baby will have the stamina required to juggle conversation, tending to Presleigh's needs, and winning the war against the "baby blues".

Therefore, it is with great pleasure that I annouce that visiting hours are open!

  • Kids & Sick peeps - most of you already know that babies shouldn't be around other children nor too many people in general, especially if any of them are sick. Thus, if you have kids under 12 or you've got the flu, let's wait and give Presleigh a chance to toughen up on the inside.

  • Meals - Cristine and I are still new to this tradition, but greatly appreciate such an amazing gesture. Being the resident cook, I'd love a night off from the kitchen, considering the fact that I don't cook well while sleeping. (Though, recently I've been known to sleep well while cooking...)

  • Notice - I guess it's appropriate and possibly even prudent to ask for an email or a phone call a few hours in advance, so we can prevent getting "overbooked". (That even feels wierd to say...)

  • Giving - I'm not asking anyone to give to Seasons of Life right now. If you chose to, great. But, that's not what your visit is about. Your visit is also not about the Roncone family, who lost their little girl to cancer less than a month ago. If you'd like to help them with a financial gift (specifically toward Brookelyn's funeral expenses), email Aarron and he'll give you the details. Also, a friend of our home church just lost everything in an apartment fire. We'd love to do something special for her. Email Aarron for details on that, as well.
See you soon!!!

Aarron & Cristine


Anonymous said...

I'll say it again... YAY YAY YAY! I am waiting for Brian to tell me what day he can pick our daughter up from school and then I'll call/email you guys to see if it works around that time. She's beautiful... I cannot wait to see her in person.

Rusty said...

oh my, that pix of you and Presleigh is amazing. I wish I could visit you all...but it's a long drive from California.

Congrats again Aarron!!


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