Sunday, May 3, 2009

See ya!!!


After almost 5 days at Children's Hospital I have one simple thought - we are so very, very blessed. This week, while my hopes were held high by the Lord Most High, I got to meet a whole lot of people who didn't have it as easy as we did.

Today, we're going to ask you to pray. But, not for Presleigh.

See, our little girl came home today. Others will not. Our baby has a healthy prognosis. Not all of them do. We were in residence for 5 days, not two weeks or for the fifth time in a month. So, today, we thank God with open eyes and hands held high and we thank you for all the prayer that sustained us in Him.

But, today we returned home to hard news.

We have a friend, a dear friend, a young woman who should not have tumors in her body, who does. Today, we ask you, while we guard her privacy with anonymity, to pray for our friend, who is now scheduled for chemo starting this week.

As for Presleigh:
The fever has been gone for about 48 hours. Today, she's home, on antibiotics, sleeping in a familiar crib. Her appetite hasn't completely returned, but we're working on it with prayer, persistence, and patience. Below are a few photos to chronicle the past couple of days - Daddy didn't have a way to get these photos on the blog until he got back today.

Day 3, Presleigh still looked a little pale. Holding onto a low grade fever, we did what we could to get her to drink, drink, drink. This would be the only way to get that IV out of her arm.

Here's Presleigh enjoying one of the perks of Children's Hospital - a red wagon we call "The Presleigh Express"!

Our super awesome nurses and tech's were kind enough to procure a "Jumpa" as we call it in our house. By whatever name we called it, Presleigh called it "fun."

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