Saturday, May 2, 2009

On the Mend...

Presleigh continues to recover today, drinking several buh-buhs of formula, and coming off the IV liquids around 2:30. Aunt Sarah came by to give Mommy & Daddy a brief reprieve, so Mommy could actually leave Ground Zero. God has sustained my wife incredibly in light of the fact that she's literally been at Children's Hospital since Wednesday at noon. Regardless, the spirit is willing but the flesh was weak. Thankfully, Cristine was able to go home for a real shower, pick up a more "matching" change of clothes (since Daddy doesn't really know how to pack a Mommy bag all that well...), and breath fresh air.

The support of all of your prayers has been great sustenance for us during this time. Our spirits have been high, Presleigh has been delightful in spite of her malaise(s), and the nurses are all thoroughly entertained by her surprisingly positive demeanor. That's our girl!

CRP level (which measures infection vis-a-vis inflammation) will be checked again tonight. She's due for another round of antibiotics and once her "output is 'solid' ", she'll be free to go home. Oh, and we will, too!!!

Keep praying for restful sleep for Mommy, God's sustaining grace in Daddy, and "solid output" for Presleigh.

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