Tuesday, May 12, 2009

No Mistakes

There are no mistakes in God's economy - everything has value.

We are here at this time, in this place, with these people for a reason. To love God and love others. We are not worried about Presleigh. She will either make it through this scathed or unscathed. I have already confessed to God I will love Him either way, because He is bigger than me, bigger than this set of circumstances, and He loves my little girl more than I'll ever know how. Heck, He not only created her, but He invented love.

So, as I step down off my preacher podium, I just ask anyone whose life testifies that they follow Christ - would you keep this little girl in your prayers? Would you also pray that those who do not know and love Christ with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength would come to know Him and His love for them through this situation?

I'm not solid rock. Neither is Cristine. Fear and worry tap at our door often. But, fear is not of God, so we are "realigned" by the Spirit, not because we're Super Christians, because He's so awesome. I suppose you can pray for us - pray the Armor of God... Know, though, that more often than not, we are sturdy because He has left word: "My strength is made perfect in [your] weakness (2 Cor. 12.9)"

More simply stated, the more we realize that we can't handle this apart from Him, the stronger our legs grow because He holds us up. I pray that if you don't know Christ as scripture paints Him (not as movies or even His followers paint Him), that you grow to know Him as a loving, pursuing, redeemer-King, your Rock and your Salvation.

We speak with the Urologist tomorrow, first thing. More detail will follow that call. Maybe a trip to the ER for an MRI and further deets. Maybe business as usual. (Anyone want to help me write a Summer Stimulus fundraising letter?)

Keep our dear friend, Debbie in your prayers. She needs healing, too.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aaron, this is an amazing post. Your heart testifies to your faith & followership of Jesus Christ. I will keep Presleigh in my prayers, and you & Christine as well.

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