Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Follow Up Flows Up... VCUG

Well, today was our follow up visit to the radiologist. Presleigh had a test called a "Voiding Cystourethrogram", which shoots a contrast dye into her bladder to see if it backflows (or "refluxes") into the kidney. As you're probably aware, the ureter (highway from the kidney to the bladder) is designed to be a one way street.

Now, class, what happens when cars travel the wrong way on a one way street? Correct, it gets messy and can cause damage.

Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR) is the proper name for it. And, Presleigh's got it. It's measured in 5 grades, 1 being the least severe and 5 being most severe. We'll know more detail tomorrow after the full set of images is processed. But, from what we saw on the screen it looks like Presleigh has at least grade 2 on one side and when we saw the other side, somebody gasped. It's definitely a 5.

Here's a photo of what it could look like. This isn't Presleigh's images. The difference here you'll see this is a 4 or 5 on both sides, while hers is smaller on one side and a "biggie" on the other, but it gets the point across.

The most likely option is surgery of some sort - more on that as we find out more...

Mommy and Daddy are well - trusting in the least "churchy" way we can, that God is in the midst of all of this, working for His glory. He is good. He can be trusted. Keep Presleigh in your prayers. AP

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