Friday, October 24, 2008

TMI Warning - ThreatCon: 4

WARNING: This post and accompanying photo borders on WTMI (Way Too Much Information). No, this probably isn't as bad as your boss blabbering on at the company party in way too much detail about his colonoscopy or grandma talking about a UTI. UGH! No, that would be a true ThreatCon: 5.

Alright - you've been forewarned. GRAPHIC PHOTO BELOW.
I made a flippant comment a post or two ago about being secure in my manhood and coming to grips with the fact that moving forward all of my shirts are bound to have spit up stains on them. Well, none of that experience prepared me for last night. It was just about time to put Presleigh down after her last feed/wake cycle (yes, we're doing BabyWise. What.), when I noticed a deeply pensive look on her face.

I asked her what was wrong, but being 6 weeks old, she was unable to articulate and share the feelings underlying the facial expression. What she was able to articulate and share a few moments later while repositioned on my shoulder was... cheese. Well, whatever substance is created when milk or formula meet with the human tummy.

Yeah. Presleigh effectively pressed the "eject" button on her last feeding. And, daddy was nice enough to play catcher with his shirt. And shorts. And feet. As a result, we decided it was bath time. Good call, Mommy.


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha - nice! I remember those days of projectile vomiting. I've worn plenty of 'cheese' in my lifetime. Welcome to parenthood :)

Our Hero, said...

The stomach acids separate the solids of the milk (lactose and such) from the water an the water is metabolized faster than the solids are (I've made it in chemistry lab and we talked about it in physiology, that's how I know). I, too, have peeled off wet clothes and washed my hair and feet and legs and whatever. My older son was so infamous that some family members refused to hold him! This is just one of those things you laugh about later...and bring up when the first boyfriend is trying to pass the parental examination.

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