Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ketchup, Apples, Punkins and Big Changes

Ketchup - Today, I catch y'all up on all things Presleigh.
Apples - We picked apples over the weekend.
Punkins - We also saw lots of pumpkins after the orchard.
Big Changes - We experienced overflowing diaper syndrome for the first time, which necessitated emergency public diaper changing.

Presleigh is vacillating between 3 and 5 hour sleep stretches. We'd prefer she lean more toward the 5 hour mark, but it's a process, right? We'll be alright and so will she. We'd just like some consistent sleep. It'll happen.

Last weekend, Ben and Katie Horton were nice enough to take us to see an apple orchard in the North Georgia mountains (with a nifty stop for true family style lunch at the Smith House in Dahlonega - Thanks for lunch, guys!) We had one tween who was entirely unimpressed with the prospect of picking apples, Presleigh, who could have cared less because she fell asleep for most of the trip, and Cristine & I in our car and The Hortons with Ben's little sister Gabby in theirs. You'll see photos of all of us throughout.

The orchard was really cool - talk about fresh, whole foods -
"How fresh are your apple pies?"
"Uh, ten minutes ago...?"
BTW - try the pie. The fried pies are phenomenal.
It was like eating fish at a Cape Cod seafood restaurant, only not as yummy. Just choose what kind of apple you want and they'll show you a whole row of trees that have oodles of those apples dangling from the branches, itching to be picked and stuffed in your bag (or the compartment under the stroller).

Oh, and for those of y'all who want to try this kind of family outing with a newborn - upgrade to the offroad tires or seriously just bring the baby pack to wear your infant on your chest. Rolling the standard model Graco around in the muddy hills of North GA isn't a picnic, even if you brought a picnic with you. You need a Hummer.

All in all, everyone had a great time - Gabby and Brianna got to enjoy themselves chasing animals around the petting zoo. There were plenty of goats, a pair of pigs, a small cow, rabbits, and everyone else's kids. While picking apples and shooting apples in the apple cannon were really cool activities, the petting zoo provided a nice diversion for the kids while Presleigh got her bottle on.

Brianna lived up to her nickname "Dr. Bri-little", petting every animal that would come to her (nearly all of them), and chasing down the rest who wouldn't. I wish I had audio of the teeniest goat in the world as all the kids tried to chase it around the pen. It was so scared, it practically pooped horizontally.

Speaking of pooping horizontally, yes, I learned the hard way "when in doubt, change the diaper" even if it doesn't rhyme. Presleigh needed to be changed mid orchard and later at Bert's Pumpkin Farm. Fortunately, big sister Bri-bri noticed a leaky diaper before it got really bad. Unfortunately, Papi noticed it was leaking because it was jam-packed with "mustard-butt" (a yellow, finger-paint like substance that infants shoot from their patooties and a good reason to buy stock in Huggies, regardless of what the Dow says).

Mommy and Papi were well prepared, though, with their diaper changing pad, making short story of the packed Pamper in the parking lot. Presleigh was grateful for our proactive equipment purchase and her sister's keen eye.

I hope nobody ever makes fun of my kids, but I'm posting this last photo to make fun of someone else's. What part of "Do Not Sit" do these guys not get?!

With the exception of Monday's Jesus Spoken Here Golf Challenge, you're caught up. More on that tomorrow or so.

1 comment:

Ben and Katie said...

We enjoyed our time with y'all as well! And thanks to Presleigh for totally weirding Ben out with her mustard butt! :-)

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