Thursday, August 21, 2008

HOW much longer?

So, we've heard every wives' tale about "carrying high means a boy", "drink coffee, you'll have a girl", "take ginseng and you'll have twins", etc. The most annoying of these is this: "Second pregnancies usually deliver early."

Now, this is my first child, but Cristine's second pregnancy. So, if that's all true, 16 days early shouldn't be too much to ask... or should it?! I love my wife. She's a heck of a soldier. But, let's be honest - it's summertime in HotLanta. And, in my book, that's no time to be carrying a 20 lb. turkey around your waist! Ya think? (I don't hear anyone shouting cadences...)

Biblically speaking, my charge is to live with my bride in an understanding way (if you're down with the NASB translation of the Greek). Now, I'm not going to get into the whole "weaker vessel" thing, because it's polarizing for those who have not chosen to follow Christ - it's more about the husband not being an overbearing jerk (guilty) than it is about the wife being "weak". But, I digress.

My point is this: I want Mama-C to be happy. But, yesterday, the doc said "Still 16 days. We're only at 1 cm." So, would you pray with me?

"Jesus, if You are willing, in your infinite grace, would you get Cristine to 5 centimeters in a big, fat hurry? We ask this in Your name. Amen..."

Alright. So, 16 days it is.

Keep the prayers coming. Thanks, again for all of your support.

Hey, if you haven't signed up for our FaceBook cause, would you click on the link over there?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How exciting! You're blogging.. YAY! I have found bloging to be the best way to keep EVERYONE up to date with our family. We are counting down (and praying) with you guys!

Brian, Laura, Mimi and Max :)

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