Friday, February 18, 2011

Sunny Days... Keepin' the Clouds Away...

Whatever your opinion on Global Warming, you have to love it when we get an oasis of the nice stuff in February after a frigid January. And, by the way, unseasonably warm in GA is much nicer than unseasonably warm back in New England or New Jersey, right?

Mommy decided it was a great day for Presleigh to get out with the twins and it was a perfect opportunity to use that cool jogging stroller we picked up for free from a guy down in Buckhead who was tired of having it in his garage. Win/win, I always say, right? Well, more of a win/win/win/win/win/win when there's three kids' transportation and a happy Mommy at stake. Plus, I win for finding it... Can we just call it multi-win?

Math and meteorology aside, here's the result of a nearly full CF card on the camera when it met with these three awesome subjects enjoying the lovely global warming fun, Atlanta-style. Presleigh in he middle, time!


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