Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Recovery Update

Presleigh's made a fantastic recovery and has even returned to her favorite playground shenanigans, visits with Miss Paula, and (thanks to a one month scholarship) even Mother's Morning Out! We're thrilled that she's back to her usual self - full on or full off!!! Recently, she visited the Marietta fair with a family friend and even got a new babysitter (who Mommy gives two enthusiastic thumbs up).

Mommy's needed some relief and we're glad that it came in the form of an affordable, trustworthy babysitter. It also came in the form of a great, new (to us) stroller. See, when Papa's out at work, it's hard for Mommy to just pack up the van and go with three kids, two and under, especially if that means trying to push a twin stroller and the Presleigh stroller, right? So, Papa did some digging on Craigslist and found a used Baby Jogger triplet stroller for sale, cheap, reduced, and eventually free... What?! With some washing up of the liner, a couple replacement parts from the manufacturer and (soon) four new tires to replace the bald, leaky ones, it'll be as good as... used.

But, heck, free?

Well, Presleigh thought it was a cool stroller, but she wasn't to excited about getting into it the other day. With a little coaxing, Papa loaded all three into the blue bomber and went for a run around the neighborhood. Alright, more of a walk-jog. He ain't running 10 minute miles while pushing that thing around, you know? Well, after a brief hobble around the hood, the foursome arrived back home only to see the "no WIKE it" girl fast asweep in the stwower. Changed her tune a bit, huh? I won't be an "I told you so" - I'll let the picture say that for me.

My hope is that we'll find an equally good deal on a tandem stroller for 3 or a sit & stand for 2+. Why? Well, the only drawback to the mammoth baby machine is that it's a bit like a Hum-V in size and not so flexible. The point was to get Mommy something she could just throw in the van and tote the kids around in, not to shackle her to a boat anchor that has to be partly disassembled and then gingerly hoisted by crane into the minivan fuselage.

For now, Aunt Sarah was nice enough to loan us her double tandem to use as the babes get more accustomed to the sit up position - it still means carrying around two strollers, but it's nice to know they can sit up as they're getting bigger.

Speaking of Aunt Sarah, Presleigh had a great visit from our friend, Shae, Sarah's daughter, last week. Shae just loves to dress Presleigh up and do her hair. Could be a real BFFL, no? This was such a cute photo, I couldn't resist putting it in. Proud Papa.

Oh, yeah, and Presleigh's going in, in about another 2 months for a follow up with the Pediatric Urologist. Hopefully, he'll just be telling us "I got'r'dun, and she's all good to go." Keep it lifted up and your eyes on Jesus. We all get to meet Him one day and account for what we did with what He gave us.

Grace and peace,


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