Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Praying for Presleigh

Lord, don't let her grow up too fast.
Father, please, draw her to You, that she may walk with You all of her days.
God, if she ever parts from Your path, may her explorations be short and shallow.

All these things go through our minds as we watch little girls around us grow up too fast. Presleigh has this mature, confidence as she walks around like Fred Sanford - strutting across the room like she owns the place. And yet, she's every bit the little babygurl that we brought home from the hospital - hugging on Papa, calling for "Mommy... Mommymommymommy!" from behind the gate in her bedroom when she doesn't want to go to bed yet. We haven't taught her the words "one more thing..." yet. I hope she doesn't figure those out too soon, you know?

Then again, she's mastered the words "more" and "again". Lately, she's taken to leading Papa around by the hands and playing one of two favorite games: 1) "Dance around in a circle until we're dizzy" and 2) "Get Papa to lay on his back, then step back and count to three and Flop on Pop". I almost took a top tooth to the chin on that one once or twice. But, what are you gonna do - it's Presleigh.


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