To think that Presleigh has been with us for a whole year is such an amazing concept. But, knowing how great and awesome our God is, it should come as no surprise. He has truly gifted us with a delightful, precocious, and wonderful little girl. Today, she walks, runs, and babbles as an infant months older than her should and we are thrilled with her progress for her. (Someday, she too may be thrilled with it!)
Since Google is forever (or until Jesus returns), Presleigh will likely get to read this when she learns how to read, later when she reaches school age, even later when she's a teenager, and perhaps even someday when she's all grown up. For her very first birthday, what if we all left her a comment - a prayer or wish for her as she grows that she can hold onto long after she's 1 year old and be blessed by all of her days?
Here's mine: may God walk with you and guide you all the days of your life. May He always surprise you by showing you how much He loves you and how perfect His love is compared to our limited understanding of Him and His great love. May you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mommy and Daddy love you, support you, and desire to guide you toward His perfect plan for your life. I love you, little Presleighgirl. - One Proud Pappa.
Let us all take a moment to thank God for our precious child, His precious child, and His son's finished work on the cross which brings us all into relationship with Him.
in Christ,
The Pina's