Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Walking Your Footsteps?

Well, Presleigh is sure taking an interest in the kitchen. But, that's not all! Sure, she likes to play with utensils and kitchen gadgets like Daddy does. But, she also loves a good game of "tear up the Whole Foods Market bag". Yeah, she got that from Daddy, too.

What else is new, though? Great question. Remember when we told you she'd likely not walk, rather that she'd go from crawling to running? We were nearly spot-on with that one. Not only is she into playing with kitchen stuff and grocery store games, but she's been walking... well, running for the past six weeks! I'm sure it would be fun to brag about our little princess walking at 9 months, but bragging with 50% more grey hairs is not much to brag about - this little lady can move!

It's a joy to watch her every little new-ance. Each day continues to bring with it new babbles like "gooyuh-kuliddle-liddle" and "yeeeyah-lurlur!" Every item in the house has its own texture, and Presleigh's keen to examine it under the wise fingertips on those little hands. If you're wearing a shirt with a picture or logo on it, she'll have to give it a quality assurance exam with her pointer finger. If you were hoping to keep that necklace around your neck, you'd be wise to reconsider. She's got a knack for repo'ing earrings, sunglasses, and anything dangley. As aforementioned, she's into the cabinets and drawers, especially when in the kitchen (MY whisk! Engarde!!!). Don't bother with those child safe cabinet locks... they're not Presleigh proof. Yep, she figured out how to bypass those suckers the first day we brought them home.

Sadly, Presleigh will be missing her big sister. After spending a month with her Dad, Michael, in Washington state, Brianna has decided she wants to stay with him and get to know who he really is after not seeing him for the past 5 years. As a guy who grew up with limited Dad-ness, I can appreciate the timeliness of this major decision.

After much prayer, Mommy and Daddy have decided to honor her rather grown up wishes and let her give it a try this year. We feel very confident that God informed our decision and He has Brianna's best interest at heart. But, Presleigh still passes by Brie-brie's door and chirps out a wistful "Bee-bee?"

Tear jerking, but adorable. We miss you, Brie-ski...

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