Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bursting Through the Surface!

The diver's equipment malfunctions - the camera angle changes - we see the surface of the water so far away, but our hero is on a desperate, last gulp of air and caught in the wreckage below - camera angle changes, dramatic music flare - our hero breaks free at the last possible moment, rising victoriously to the world above, and bursting through the surface of the water, heaves our of the water to receive the precious treasure of fresh air!!!

That's how it feels for us to know that Presleigh slept a full 6 hour stretch! Not only did she perform the hilarious feat of drinking 3 oz. of formula in her sleep last night, but she actually slept from 10 to 4 tonight. Momma happy. And when Momma happy, e'ryone happy!

We're not about to get cocky over this, but this is a long awaited (but never rushed) milestone. Pardon me, while we go do "Toyota" jumps and Snoopy dances.

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