Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bursting Through the Surface!

The diver's equipment malfunctions - the camera angle changes - we see the surface of the water so far away, but our hero is on a desperate, last gulp of air and caught in the wreckage below - camera angle changes, dramatic music flare - our hero breaks free at the last possible moment, rising victoriously to the world above, and bursting through the surface of the water, heaves our of the water to receive the precious treasure of fresh air!!!

That's how it feels for us to know that Presleigh slept a full 6 hour stretch! Not only did she perform the hilarious feat of drinking 3 oz. of formula in her sleep last night, but she actually slept from 10 to 4 tonight. Momma happy. And when Momma happy, e'ryone happy!

We're not about to get cocky over this, but this is a long awaited (but never rushed) milestone. Pardon me, while we go do "Toyota" jumps and Snoopy dances.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's Been a While, Hasn't It?!

Since we last posted, Presleigh has grown a half inch, gained another pound or two, turned almost 10 weeks old, gotten her 2-month shots, cried about all five needles, and even been to big church a couple of times, where she asked God "what the dilly about the shots?!"

If that wasn't enough, she's learned how to work that smile of hers, make some interesting non-words, and even met a boy. (We'll put a stop to that right away. Don't get any ideas, Dawson - we know your parents!!!)

Wow! On top of all that, we've even moved... We won't talk about that horror show, though. Nothing brings out the jerk in Daddy than moving heavy objects on a deadline with no sleep and too much else to do. Presleigh got to see Daddy apologize for yelling at Mommy. Well, at least she's seen the Christian example of sin, repentance, confession, and forgiveness, right?

Fortunately, Mommy and Daddy got their acts together in time to celebrate their 1st wedding anniversary, and Presleigh got to see what repentant and loving husbands get for wonderful brides. 3 dozen roses and a nice sit-down dinner don't make up for a jerky big mouth, but "love covers a multitude of sins".

"Can we get an extra helping of love over here, please..."

Needless to say, we're enjoying the new digs, as is Presleigh, though right now, she's having her "hairy hour". No, she's not gloating about having more hair than her dad. She just has this front row seat on the "fussy bus" that she likes to ride, eating "crabby patty sandwiches" between 6:30 and 7:30 or so each night. Give or take a half hour, it's just been her pattern.

On the upside, though, she is sleeping a bit longer. Mommy likey. Daddy likey, too. Daddy likey when Mommy happy. Daddy talkie baby talk-a-doo and don't know why...
Point is, we've had two consecutive nights of 5+ hour stretches. Had we known that was coming, we'd have gone to sleep when she did, instead of wasting two hours staying up thinking she'd be up sooner. Yeah, we wound up with only two hours of sleep the first time that happened. Last night was a bit better, though.

For photos today, we have Dawson Israel Wamsley in his chance encounter with the lovely Presleigh. Dawson's mommy, Camarie, was nice enough to come over to help Mommy and Daddy pack a few things up. She was most helpful. Dawson was priceless - as soon as he saw a living person closer to his size, all he wanted to do was check her out. Of course, she looks like her Mommy, who wouldn't want to check her out... WAIT A MINUTE, that's my daughter we're talking about, buddy!!!

We also have to thank our friend Tasha for the cool Fisher-Price jumpie doohickie in the living room. It's still a little big for Presleigh, since she's not big enough to sit up unassisted yet, but with a pillow underneath it, she can stretch out her legs and actually bounce in that thing. It's a blast. Today, I caught her smiling, and though babies don't really "laugh" until they're a little older, the facial expression is a good enough indicator of the kind of fun she's having in the jumpie dealie... thing. Go Fisher-Price!

Presleigh also likes to sleep. In fact, she's quite gifted in that department. I think we've mentioned this in past posts. But, I couldn't resist the shot of her in the car seat, hugging her buh-buh. Priceless.

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