Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fun, fun, FUN!!!

Sisterly Cuteness

The Fun Meter

     Presleigh is learning a great variety of was to have fun. Lately, she's discovered playing drums is fun - provided you keep a very loose definition of what "drums" means. Most of the time, she understands that her baby brother and sisters' heads are not appropriately categorized as drums, and everything is peachy keen. However, with no photographic evidence to prove it, I will say that Jovi and Jez have decided "our heads as drums" = 0 on the fun meter.

     Papa has decided that Adobe Illustrator equals about a 900 on the fun meter, even though the fun meter only goes to 10. Here's his take on Presleigh and Jovi having their own fun in the big chair. As you can see, Jovi is loaded with teeth and is not shy about showing them off. We think she got it from her sister, but rumor has it, it came from Mommy.

     She's really doing well with playing with the twins, although Jezreel often grabs at her gorgeous hair because... well, it's there. Someday, he'll learn to "do nice" to Presleigh and leave her lovely locks alone. For now, it's a fun game of chase for these two. Soon enough, it will be a chase for all three as we expect Jovi to begin walking next month!

     Someone did the unthinkable and introduced Presleigh to Veggie-Tales. Just when you thought you had gotten the last catchy kid show jingle out of your head, here comes a new one! Well, in true Presleigh style, she's made certain that everyone in the house is accidentally walking around with "If you like... to... talk... to tomatoes. If... a... squash... can... make... you... smile." in their heads. I guess it's better than the theme song to "Dinosaur Train", isn't it? Well, isn't it? PLEASE TELL ME IT IS?!

Weekends of Fun
     Presleigh had two amazing weekends in a row. Grandma, Nana, and RC (her great-grandparents) made it all the way up from sunny Florida to visit two weeks ago. And, last weekend, her Grand Dad (Poppop) made it up from another part of the Sunshine State. She got some really great gifts, like a new ballerina outfit, which of course, she adores. Here she is showing Grandma how to begin a perfect pirouette.

     It's amazing to think that in one room we had four generations all on the same couch at the same time. That's a rarity and we don't want to ever take it for granted.  Here's the group shot for posterity sake:
     The next weekend was Poppop's turn, and there were plenty of opportunities to have cake, BBQ, and pictures of all kinds of family members - sisters and cousins and aunts, oh-my! Poppop made a huge splash and added wisely to Presleigh's diaper stash and Veggie Tales collection. Thanks, Poppop!!!

This just in...
     Just noticed I haven't uploaded those photos from the camera. So, surprise, Poppop - you get your own blog entry when Papa gets a free moment!

     Last, I had to share this collage of entries on the fun meter. Mommy brought Presleigh to the local Barnes & Noble for a fun day of painting and a visit from none other than the Moose from "If You Give a Moose a Muffin". Somehow, I don't think this is how the story really goes...

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