Friday, September 24, 2010

Well, THAT'S Great News!!!

Yesterday, the doctor(s) visited the room and checked in on Presleigh. Their comment surprised us for two reasons 1) we thought her surgery was fairly simple and 2) recovery would be 2 to 3 days. Reality check - on a 2 year old child having four ureters snipped from their places in the bladder and reinserted in new places is not so simple. It's actually quite extensive. We would assume the next statement is only true as a response to all the many prayers in multiple countries lifted up on Presleigh's behalf: "Presleigh can be discharged immediately."


So, last night, Papa got to make one more trip down to Scottish Rite (with a quick stop off at Northside for a surprise visit on some friends that just had their first baby!!!) and pick up Mommy, Presleigh, and all their belongings! The trip home was a bit extensive, since the pharmacy did not have the bladder spasm meds we needed on hand and we had to play some rapid-fire phone tag to find another pharmacy (that was still open at 8:45PM) that did have the much needed meds. After some searching around and some tedious waiting, Papa emerged from the store, victoriously clutching a bag of dark chocolate peanut M&M's and the vital prescriptions that will be a regular part of Presleigh's diet for the next week or two.

Presleigh, however, was not as amused by this visit, as it was wayyyy past her bedtime and we still needed to do a diaper change and feed her three meds before she could enjoy repose in her own bed again. This may sound simple to some parents and to most non-parents out there, but let me tell you: wrestling an octopus on their own home turf can be an easier proposal than keeping flailing arms and legs down on the changing table while an injured toddler screams "No WIKE it!!!" and you have to change not one, but two diapers.

Side note on the diaper thing - to guard and protect Presleigh's ouchie bladder, the docs made the following call: they'd insert an "indwelling" [as in Holy Spirit, right?] catheter. Not to get too graphic here, but this catheter has a balloon on the end that holds the bladder's shape as it heals, preventing Presleigh from having to use her bladder muscles as the surrounding tissues heal. This requires us to put one (size 4) diaper on, cut a hole in it to pass the catheter end through, and bring the catheter to a steady resting place inside a second, larger diaper.

Okay, staying away from TMI, it's quite a rigamaroll to have to change her diapers right now, especially when you add the flailing and fussiness on top of it. Hey, you'd be fussy, too if you had a hoobajoo in your doodlie-doo, wouldn't you?

Needless to say, Presleigh's got a week or two of limitations ahead of her - no rough play or straddle toys. What?! This means, no playground, no riding horsie toys, no climbing over the bedroom gate, no fun! BOR-ING!!! But, in her best interest, right? Yep. This also means she doesn't get to enjoy the last week the neighborhood pool is open, either... MAJOR BUMMER, you know? I mean, it's 90s here and complain, complain, Daddy, but your two year old just got safely out of the hospital after extensive surgery and you could start off with a little gratitude!!!

Glory to God, thank you for your prayers, and all honor and praise to the Lord Most High, who brought our little girl home early!

in Christ,

Happy Papa!

P.S. As you can see from this photo, Presleigh is back to her old, sly tricks. Don't you just love that grin?!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde?

Presleigh's Mr. Hyde impression
Today, we had a visit from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - the Presleigh Pina version. Well, what would you expect from a two year old girl who just had extensive bladder surgery? To answer the hot question - she's doing great. Aside from periodic cases of fussitis (a common swelling of the fussy gland accompanied by prolonged fussiness, mild crabbiness, and insatiable appetite for being cuddled by Mommy), she's doing very well. As mentioned yesterday, Dr. Superbladderdude removed one duplicated ureter, one half duplicated ureter, and reinserted the correct ureters back into the bladder so it's all like new.
Dr. Jekyll, Presleigh-style
For a few extra bucks, he offered to throw in the 2011 passenger side airbag option, but we assured him Presleigh's lungs work great - she doesn't need any more airbags.

Regardless of the fidgetiness and fussiness that follows open surgery, Presleigh is just about back to her delightful self. Eating pizza, sipping water from her "Buzz and Woody" cup, dining on purple ice pops, and saying her favorite words "Mommy", "more Barney", and "hold you". What a wonderful child God has granted us. We are grateful for the many prayers and great support around us - what an amazing extended family we have!
Mommy and Papa had a most welcome visit from Aunt Sarah (our sister in Christ) and Shae. It's always great to have a visit from Sarah. But, how great is it when she brings Presleigh's favorite "Shaaaaaaae" and a bag of McDonalds McMuffins?! For real? It's not like God hadn't already come through on a successful surgery, NOW He's got to deliver morning yummies toted in by our bestest friend?!

Another welcome visitor is Aunt Shanua (THANKYOULORD!!!) - she came down from Charlotte today to help Papa out by watching the twins. See, Daddy has to rehearse for an upcoming show on October 3rd, and it's hard to watch, feed, and change the twins while rehearsing. Having an extra set of hands and eyes is a super help and it's incredibly generous of Aunt Shanua to make the trip down from NC.

Back at the ranch, Jezreel decided to take an afternoon nap in the swing, but Jovi couldn't decide: "Aunt Shanua's chest or the swing, the chest or the swing...?" Looks like she might go for the swing... after the chest! Aunt Shanua is pretty sure she made the right call, though!

It's possible that Presleigh could come home as early as tomorrow, but it looks like whether it's then or Saturday, she'll have to keep the catheter in until at least late next week. Double diaper heaven. But, hey, whatever we have to do to help insure she heals quickly and thoroughly, we're okay with. Glory to God. Grace and peace to all.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Great News: A Road to Nowhere!

Presleigh's surgery went off without a hitch. Super Urology Doc Dude, who does hundreds of these surgeries each year, told us following the 2-1/2 hour procedure:
"We clipped the ureters on the one side which had the duplicating system [two ureters between the bladder and kidney] and reinserted them in the bladder. On the other side, we found another duplicating system. But, this one didn't connect to the kidney, it was more of a road to nowhere."

Even though he sees hundreds of these cases each year, he said that Presleigh's case was definitely a rarity. Well, regardless of her uniqueness, she is now in recovery and free from vasicoureteral reflux. No more prophylaxis!

We're grateful to God for His constancy and the talent and skills He has afforded doctors so very close to our back yard. There are children here from all over the country, even other countries, and we've got access to top quality medical care 30 minutes away (plus or minus, given the traffic on Georgia-400).

Presleigh's not too delighted about the lingering foley cath or the "boo-boo" that's healing just below her diaper line, but we know it beats the alternative. Thank you, to all who have lifted up prayers on her behalf, the doctors' behalf, and our behalf. Wait, that makes three halves, doesn't it?

Special thanks to our dear friend Tara for coming by to sit with us and pray during the waiting. We love your company and are grateful for your fellowship! Thanks, also, to all the other visitors we know are already planning to come by - pack light, the room is small!

in Christ,

Papa Pina

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How, Then, Shall We Pray?

We've got the call from the scheduling department - Presleigh's procedure is scheduled for 10:30 tomorrow morning. We continue to pray that something comes up that prompts the docs to examine her and find out that God has miraculously healed her. However, we know that God's plans and our prayers don't always coincide. In the event that His perfect plan is "healing by surgery", we're open to that, too. He is trustworthy and praiseworthy, either way.

Pray for healing for sure. Also, pray that if surgery is the option, that the Lord guides and focuses the docs with utmost care. May all the training, craft, and art of surgery that He has exposed them to come to bear on the procedure. Bless their efforts and our little Presleigh for a simple, complete procedure and a swift, thorough recovery.

Bless us and keep us in complete dependence on God, that His name may receive the full glory that only He deserves. Watch over our work as we are away and pray that God breathes a fresh wind of funding into our ministry at a time when we need it most.

May God bless Aarron's efforts as he prepares for his performance of "That Day" in just 11 days, that it may be not for his glory, but for God's. May we open to a sell out crowd and may the story we tell be heard for years to come for God's kingdom and not for ours.

Bless Cristine as a godly mother who desires with all that is in her to learn greater and better things than she has learned from any past generation of mothers, with all respect due to those who have mothered her. May the Lord grow her faith in His ability to do the monergistic work only He can do.

To God Be the Glory!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Houston, We Have a Problem...

Moments ago, Presleigh picked up a toy phone and said "This is my friend, 'Beckett'
. O... M... G... When I catch that little Beckett, he's going to have some 'splaining to do!!!!


Last Wednesday, the following post was accidentally posted on the twins' blog instead of Presleigh's. My bad.

Presleigh's surgery is officially scheduled for next week - Wednesday, about noon. We're eternally grateful for everyone's prayers for her and also grateful for Aunt Shanua making the trip down from Charlotte to help out with the twins while Mommy and Papa are in the hospital for Presleigh's recovery.

You'd never know there was anything going on with her from the outside - running, jumping, climbing, shouting, singing, counting, watching TV, playing with the twins, giving kisses to Mommy, Papa, and the babies... Wow. She's growing up so quickly.

As Mommy and I watched "old" videos from earlier this year, we were amazed at how much she's matured, from the walking to the talking to the facial gestures. Words, words, and more words "Thanks, Mommy!" "My try it!" "Jovi's crying"... Let's hear it for toddler language acquisition and development skills, right?

We threw Presleigh a last minute party and only invited a handful of folks - sorry if you were left out - we realized with all the kids we now know, the house would be overrun with toddlers very quickly. We were right! Cake everywhere, kids all over the place, but a great party nonetheless. And, now, we present to you, Presleigh Pina - 2 year old. We officially no longer have 3 under 2. It's 3 under 3, but thank God for the strength He has given us thus far!


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