Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How Shall we Pray?

Last week, we brought Presleigh's most recent VCUG (voiding cysto-urethrogram) to her urologist, Dr. Mac-daddy-of-urology. Her last results from over a year ago showed grade 3 on one side and grade 5 on the other. (Remember, class, grade 5 pretty much means there's practically a two way street between the kidney and bladder...) This time, the grade 3 side looked marginally better and the grade 5 side showed little, if any, improvement.

Dr. Smith's recommendation was for corrective surgery. Not what we had hoped to hear, but good news for three reasons:

  1. We have prayed for her healing and not received it, yet. And also, yet, we have prayed for the faith to heal her - which does not come without trial. As we persevere through this trail, God will build our hope, regardless of the outcome. Can you see that? Romans chapter 5 opens with an idea - "okay, if I have peace with God through faith in Christ, why are there un-peaceful circumstances around me?" The easy answer - we live in a broken world. But, in light of this text - now that Christ has given us access by faith to the Father, the Father desires to refine our hope thourgh suffering that produces perseverance, perseverance that produces proven character and exposes a clearer and far less temporal hope. If you just breathed a sigh of relief - you get it. I think I get it, too.

  2. We've all heard the story about the guy on top of his roof who died in the flood after telling the other guy in the boat, the rescue worker, and the Coast Guard helicopter "No, thanks, God will save me". He gets to heaven and asks God why He didn't save him and God says - "What did you want? I sent a boat, a rescue worker, and a helicopter!!!

    Do we honor God when we pray for healing but refuse His method of healing? The bible teaches us "I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. (John 16.23)" Of course, this is governed by the rest of scripture - we can't ask God to do something evil or outside His will and expect it in fairness to be granted just for the asking. Even Christ asked "Father, if You are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done. (Luke 22.42)"

    I love the faith my wife has about this - "I'm going to keep praying until they wheel Presleigh into surgery, because all I know to do is to knock until God either opens the door or the door is no longer there." As the Spirit does not war against itself, I am in one accord with her in this mindset. My desire and hers, too, is that God still performs some unexplainable miracle in the 11th hour. But, as the men in the fiery furnace protested that their God could save them, "But even if he does not... (Dan. 3.18)" No parent wants their 2 year old to be cut open, even if only for a "routine procedure" with a 2 to 3 day recovery. But, my faith explodes when I see my wife steadfast in prayer saying "I will give God the glory, win or lose."

  3. Is it an accident that God has us 30 minutes away from the top pediatric urologist in the nation, if not the world? Could be. But, I choose to follow Him. He is faithful and He will bring it to pass (that is, sanctification) and this trial is a road toward sanctification.

Pray for Presleigh - her future is bright as the noon day sun!

Glory to God.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

August, already?

You know, when I started this whole baby blog thing, I figured it'd be easy to maintain. Well, it is simple, but simple doesn't mean easy. So, today I post for the first time in a month and a half. Presleigh continues to amaze me as she grows closer and closer to two years old...

She does seem to have a gift for cleaning. Picking her up from MMO, the teachers would be cleaning up and there's Presleigh with a Clorox wipe, mopping up behind them. Perhaps she'll grow up to be a quality control manager? Mommy isn't allowed to clean anything up unless Presleigh gets to use the broom. And, just the other day, I spotted her lining up these sponges on the kitchen floor... What a big girl!

Today, she counted from 6 to 10 with no help from Mommy or Papa. One through five are a little rusty as she prefers 5 to come before four. Even cuter, she had a visitor yesterday and as we continue to fight the battle over "share your toys", after company had left she actually used "toys" and "share" in the same sentence. Actually, that was the whole sentence. I think to our chagrin, she might have meant that the toys shared children instead of the children shared the toys...

We're quickly... alright, I am painstakingly slowly learning what foods are Presleigh-friendly and which ones she absolutely, positively must eat with supervision. Carrots? Okay. Apples? Okay. Ice cream or yogurt? Uhmmmm... notsomuch. The Presleighish word for "lotion" is "shushin", which does not derive directly from the French word for "yogurt", but in Presleighish it's the same root word. She likes lotion. Lotion on her hands. Lotion on her face, hair, shirt, and of course, all over the high-chair tray.

"Splash, splash", says the lotion. "Drip, drip", says the floor. "PapaaaaAAAH!" shouts the Mommy. "Ouch, ouch", says the door...

Yeah, let's not have a repeat of that episode.

You'd think I'd have learned. Of course, Mommy hears the tinkle-tink of the ice-cream truck bells coming down the cul-de-sac, which means Papa has to race downstairs out of the office, run across the hot (good GAWWWWD, hot!) driveway where he stands charring his feet in the molten lava temperatures of our road's black asphalt, waiting for the ice-cream man to huck a few nice, melty, sweet treats at him as he stands tap dancing on the lawn. All that effort and Presleigh makes shushin out of the ice-cream treat, too. SpongeBob on the hands and arms. SpongeBob on the shirt and hair.

Thank God for the bath tub, the hose, and the fact that Mommy was not in the kitchen this time around.

Ah, Presleigh. We love you.


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