Monday, April 26, 2010

Back in the Spotlight

Presleigh Gabriella Pina has adjusted very, very well to the arrival of not one, but two newborn siblings in the home. Mommy and Papa arrived home on a Saturday night carrying her new baby brother and baby sister and she was overwhelmed with excitement. The past week and a half have been filled with wonder at what these two kiddos are all about.

For the first few nights, she didn't want the party to end, insisting on coming back out of her room every time we put her in bed... Sadly, that meant a few days out of the toddler bed and back in the crib - otherwise, Mommy & Papa would have gotten zero sleep instead of the smattering of two hour sleep "chunks" they've grown accustomed to.

The great news is, she's back to her normal routine after a mere week. She loves her twin sibs and frequently asks to hold and help feed them. Here's a few great shots of her for the week. Hopefully, things will get back to "normal" around here soon and we'll be able to post wonder-filled photos of her everyday goings-on more regularly than "catch as catch can".

She's getting SO big!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gonna Be a Big Sister!!!

Last post kind of left you hanging, didn't it? Yeah, we were off to the hospital expecting to bring home Presleigh's little bro and sis, but after 6 hours waiting around, discovered that Mommy was no more dilated than when she came in. "Thanks, for playing. See Jane on the way out for a copy of the home game."

Back to the waiting, right?

Presleigh's just enjoying her time in the spotlight and knows the twins will be here before we all know it. Regardless, there's nothing like being a big sister and that's coming sooner than later! For more details on the twins, head over to Jezreel & Jovi's blog!

Proud Papa

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Catching Up with Presleigh

The past several months have been filled with wonder, the likes of which most of us rarely witness. As a first time Dad, I'm blown away by the changes that take place right in front of my own eyes. Gross motor skills develop on a regular basis, but suddenly Presleigh goes from picking up the kickball to actually kicking it.

She goes from making barely intelligible sounds and shouts to words like "peeeease" (for "please"), "fsssh" (for fish), "Poppa", catker (cracker), and my favorite "ah-meen", which she says after our prayers before nap time and bedtime.

More recently, as the due date for the twins grows closer, she's made an excellent transition from crib to toddler bed and has been sleeping through the night and naptimes very independently. She's very proud of her attempts to understand potty time, too. She's not batting 1000 yet, but has actually done "pee-pee-in-the-pot-TAY" two or three times now, with some disrobing assistance beforehand. It may be very early for this kind of a feat, but she's been so ready for every other change, we didn't want to discourage her from another leap forward!

In no particular order, here are a few photos I've been able to shoot of her first day at pre-pre-school, wearing Mommy or Papa's shoes, gloves, or other clothes, playing chef with pots and pans, or just chillaxing with her big sister, Bee-bee.

Yes, that is her hair getting much longer and yes, she got it from both Mommy and Papa.

Gotta run, Mommy's having CONTRACTIONS!!!

For more details, keep an eye on!

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