This month, Presleigh has continued to babble in her own little language, adding semi-perceivable syllables like "bay-bee" (noticeable pause between syllables) "blickm-blickm", which is a word referring to the drum fill played by many 80's hairbands. If anyone can remember the comedian who coined that term back in the 90s, let me know - I'll buy you an ice cream cone or something.
Anywho - the teeth! Good LORD, the TEETH on this little cutie-pie! Don't put your fingers too closer to the mouth or you'll be left with a bloody stump, right? Presleigh is now sporting the 4 on the top, 4 on the bottom look, plus she's got some side dealies in the house for mashing turkey and chicken. Good thing, too, because Thanksgiving brought all the usual suspects to the table and Daddy actually cooked an awesome bird. HT: Divine Resourcing for the bird and Derek Mason for letting me in on the 48 hour apple juice brine.

Crayons... 'nuff said.
Mommy and Daddy are very excited that Presleigh's big sister is coming home in December. Presleigh misses Brie-Brie very much!
We're not so sure Presleigh understands that Mommy's not just gaining weight, but that there are two babies in her belly. That doesn't stop her from giving the babies "kisses". This entails Presleigh putting her mouth on Mommy's belly and saying "mmbwUH!"
How awesome our God is to give us not only these amazing children, but the time to enjoy them as well. We're so grateful for the flexibility He's given us in our work schedules - Daddy has been able to take care of Mommy when she's feeling woozy, keep an eye on Presleigh while Mommy's in a meeting, or hold down the fort while Mommy's just flat on her back. Funny, I've been meditating on 2 Cor. 1.3-7 lately - my heavenly Father has given me such comfort and healing so that I may share it with others.
May my wife and these children know the overflow of His comfort all their days.
- Sappy Daddy