Friday, October 30, 2009

Remember When...

It used to be that all we needed as kids were a few pots and pans and some time to clang them together. All we needed was a diaper on our butt and some time unattended so we could take it off and swing it around over our heads... But, then came Atari. Barbie. Colecovision. Monchichi. Transformers. XBox360. You know, toys that took the work out of using your imagination...

Well, Presleigh's going old school on us this week clanging pots and pans, removing her diaper when no one's looking, and she's got her own version of XBox that she likes to play in all day long, or until it tips over...

Let's hear it for good, old-fashioned imagination!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Matching" Gift...

Wow. God is amazing. Just when we think we've got the whole picture, He widens the lens and reminds us that our little story is just a speck on a much grander portrait already in progress. His is an eternal canvas the size of the universe!

Last week, we were excited that a friend of our ministry's was offering a $ for $ matching gift of up to $10,000 toward end of year giving. So, all we have to do is raise $10,000 and he'll donate a matching $10K! Wow! Were we excited, or what?

Then, Cristine went in for her OB appointment, thinking we were pregnant at about 11 weeks...

Wrong and wrong.

We're not only 11 weeks, we're 13 weeks! We're not only pregnant, we're PREGNANT!!!

"So, Mrs. Pina, what would you say if I told you there are two babies in there?"

Gulp! "Praise God?"

DING-DING-DING!!! Good answer!!!

SO, in keeping with our tradition of fun birth announcements, I've updated our last announcement to reflect the current reality on the ground:

And, in keeping with my shameless plug-ness - now's definitely the best time ever to help support the work Mommy and Daddy have been called to.

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