Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hospital Fun...

Many of you know that Presleigh suffered a febrile (fever-induced) seizure last Wednesday evening after her temp spiked over 102. While it's not life-threatening, it's always a scare with a 7-1/2 month old. We had a brief visit to the hospital that night resulting in a few tests, treatment for dehydration, and a late night for Mommy, Daddy, and Presleigh. Brianna was spared the trip down because of her awesome Grandma, who came to the babysitter rescue!

Throughout the week, Presleigh seemed okay, except that she never really kicked a low grade fever. Well, she surprised us on Monday with her first ever episode of technicolor yawning. (Daddy's famous for making cookies, Presleigh just tosses them... for now.) We followed a strict regimen of Pedialyte that night and she was able to get back to buh-buhs and apples later the following day. Late night for Mommy, Daddy, and Presleigh. Brianna? Zzzzz. Thank God.

Tuesday night was quite a scare for us when Presleigh woke up very lethargic with a serious fever of 104.8 at about midnight. Not gonna lie, I was a touch wigged out. Motrin and Pedialyte helped bring her back down to "jovial" in a few hours. The power of the Holy Spirit brought Mommy and Daddy back down to "calm" in the meantime. You guessed it, late night for Mommy, Daddy, and Presleigh.

After a follow up at the Pede's office, a pale, dry Presleigh tried to muster a smile (above) as we rushed her back to Scottish Rite, where she was eventually admitted and pounded with fluids, Tylenol, Motrin, and love from Mommy while Daddy took photos and tried to get a hug in edgewise. (And Aunt Sarah, the angel, brought Mommy and Daddy some much needed tummy relief from Moe's! THANK YOU, Sarah!!!)

Net-net: an overnight stay plagued by spikes and drops in temp from 101 to 104, little sleep for Mommy, a less than pleasant experience in hooking up to an I.V. bag, and a positive test for urinary tract infection. Today, Mommy and Grandma are still at the hospital with Presleigh, as we wait for ultrasound results on her kidneys to make sure things aren't any more severe than they look.

Daddy was sent home because whatever Presleigh had, he got the 24 hour version. He's feeling much better this afternoon with the help of Pepto-Bismol and some Tylenol.

If you're a prayin' (wo)man, keep Presleigh lifted up for good results on the ultrasound. Keep Mommy prayed for in the "quality sleep" department. And, keep Daddy prayed up that he's well before tomorrow's board meeting. Prayers of praise to God that things aren't worse - by the looks of some kids coming in and out of Children's Hospital, we could be in a whole lot worse shape. Plus, Presleigh's temp has been over 102 for two days now (off and on) and she hasn't had a repeat of the fever induced seizure! Win or lose, God gets the glory. We're just grateful that it's "win"!


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